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Problem - CGIDTAQ reports signature error

Severity High
Product Websydian CWA for iSeries
Websydian version 5.5, 5.5SP1, 5.6
Resolved in v5.7
Plex version na
Platform iSeries
Category CWA (iSeries WebServer)
Problem Using Websydian CWA for iSeries the error message below is reported in the HTTP Server log.

The source program CGIDTAQ specifies a signature X'DA0208C38CF59413EB9DB9DDBB2B88C7' which is not supported by service program interface has changed. Re-bind source program CGIDTAQ.

Answer Incorrect version of the object CGISRVPGM was supplied and required to be updated.
Workaround In the download application download the fix for the CGIDTAQ and CGISRVPGM and restore these objects to the Websydian library e.g. WSYD550 for Websydian 5.5.
  1. Running OS/400 V5R3 download the file CGIV5R3.zip otherwise download the file CGIV5R2.zip.
  2. Unpack the save file located in the zip file
  3. Using FTP copy the save file to the iSeries
  4. Restore the object CGISRVPGM and CGIDTAQ using the RSTOBJ command and overwrite existing objects in the Websydian library.